Friday, January 31, 2014

Homework Assignment #1

I like this logo because it is instantly recognizable. It is also clearly portrays what type of organization it is (animals, endangered species). I also tend to like images that use negative space to 'trick' the eye into seeing a continuation of a line where there isn't one.

 And since I clearly misunderstood the assignment the first time, let's try this again. Here is something I like the design of: an hourglass. They are easy to make, have numerous uses, the design is minimal, aesthetically pleasing, and efficient. They can also be iconic, as in the hourglass from Wizard of Oz. They are also often used symbolically.

1st Photoshop Design

Friday, January 24, 2014


My computer experience is...knowledgeable.

Experience with Photoshop is minimal, Illustrator not at all.

 I have a computer at home, it does not have Photoshop or Illustrator.

I do not have a major...I do have a degree in History, though.

I hope to figure out if I want to do this as a career.

My favorite artist is Picasso.

My favorite musician is Jimi Hendrix.

I have seen someone get struck by lightning.

This is the first time I have written a blog post. I also have minimal natural artistic ability and have never used a Mac before. Despite what I wrote above, I am fairly confident that I will enjoy this class. I also think I may be good at it. At least that is what I am hoping.