Friday, May 2, 2014

Mission Statement

Company name: Caliber
Mission Statement: To produce an American-made, high end athletic shoe for the serious athlete in the 16-34 demographic.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What convicts can teach us about branding

This article is hysterical, illustrating how package design is often more important that the product itself. It is made even better by the fact that Neil Stansfield was able to trick those at the highest levels into believing his mediocre, store-bought salmon was organic, wild, and worth twice the price. While what he did was immoral and deceitful, he did reveal that packaging is almost as important, if not more, than the product it is selling. Or that people are gullible enough to believe whatever you tell them, in which case, let them eat store-bought fish!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Illustrator Project: Initial Logo

Ilustrator Project: Lego Logo 2

Illustrator Project: Lego Logo 1

Starbucks Article

i think the logo redesign makes sense in regards to Starbucks wanting to define the company as being 'more than just coffee'. I also think it is likely a lot of wishful thinking on the part of the company that a logo change that is symbolic to them will also be read that way to everyone else. I get the point that the newer logo looks a little 'naked', but it is also more streamlined and modern looking. I think it was a good choice.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Logo Redesign

I chose to redesign the Lego logo. Even though it is somewhat iconic and is easily recognizable, it is a fairly nondescript logo that has very little to do with the product. I think it actually makes no sense at all with relation to the product.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Movie backstory

She comes from the star Kokab. She travels by asteroid. She wants to take over our planet. She is part machine, part alien being, she has the ability to change the biological and chemical composition of things around her. The ability to manipulate her own chemistry allows her to change her hands into weapons using molten metal, she tends to prefer the sai. Humans have a history of fighting and/or enslaving extraterrestrial beings, so she knows better than to make that mistake.

Title: Apsis

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bad Movie Poster

This is a movie poster I saw in the mall for Rio 2. First of all, I had to look closely to be able to tell that that is actually a number '2'. Second, the context of what the birds are doing means nothing to those of us who haven't seen the movie, which is essentially everyone. And for a movie about tropical birds, this poster lacks the bright, vivid colors that people associate with the Rio movies. Bland, dull, and uninteresting.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Project 1: Product Descriptions


Traffic Invaders!

Makes getting stuck in traffic fun! Heads up display projects the video game onto the traffic in front of you. The controller snaps onto the steering wheel, using the original style of the Space Invaders arcade game. Car must be in neutral to be able to both turn the steering wheel to control the direction you are shooting and prevent you from accidentally plowing into the car in front of you.


Shower Tub

Want the luxuriousness and warmth of a bath but only have time for a shower? The Shower Tub is the answer! While it may use excessive amounts of water, you also must demonstrate your agility and strength to just get inside! A ladder or stepstool will help you ease yourself into a nice warm bath. But remember, you can't take too long or you will overflow your bathroom, drown, or, both!

Roof Car Seat

For the new parents who don't want to cramp their style just because they are now responsible for another human life. Why trade in that two seater sports car for a sedan or worse, a minivan, when you can just strap junior to the roof? Featuring LATCH safety straps to securely attach to a roof rack or with the included car clips, this seat also has the option to add a plexiglass shield to protect your baby's sensitive eyes and skin from the impact of bugs, rocks, rain, and other debris that can maim and kill at 70 mph.

Monday, February 3, 2014

How to...

...Ruin a Great Design

This article makes some interesting points. The enlarged "D" in the biking sign is distracting and unnecessary, two qualities you do not want to see on a traffic sign. It is also interesting that the original designers of the signs in London seem to have known what they were doing and the article's author approves of the job that they did. It is the subsequent designers who messed up.

However the criticism of UPS's new logo seems pretty harsh. The previous logo looked dated, and even the package with the strings holding it closed is obsolete. The fact the new logo is in color is more in line with UPS's branding (What can brown do for you?) and matches the UPS logo that existed previous to the black and white 'present' one. It may be more generic, but for a company that is global, corporate, and trying to expand, appealing to the most people makes sense. If Rawsthorn finds that depressing, she probably has more of an issue with globalization than just logos. The same thing goes for the Citroen logo. It isn't necessarily bad, it is different, which Rawsthorn takes issue with it. The association for her, personally, is ruined, so the design is bad. Not the best logic.

You can't resist change for the sake of nostalgia, nor can you be surprised when McDonald's gets an iconic chair to be part of their image. Nor should Fritz Hansen be annoyed when McD's decides to buy a cheaper version of their chair. It's MCDONALD'S. That's like giving an alligator a kitten and getting mad when it gets eaten.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Homework Assignment #1

I like this logo because it is instantly recognizable. It is also clearly portrays what type of organization it is (animals, endangered species). I also tend to like images that use negative space to 'trick' the eye into seeing a continuation of a line where there isn't one.

 And since I clearly misunderstood the assignment the first time, let's try this again. Here is something I like the design of: an hourglass. They are easy to make, have numerous uses, the design is minimal, aesthetically pleasing, and efficient. They can also be iconic, as in the hourglass from Wizard of Oz. They are also often used symbolically.

1st Photoshop Design

Friday, January 24, 2014


My computer experience is...knowledgeable.

Experience with Photoshop is minimal, Illustrator not at all.

 I have a computer at home, it does not have Photoshop or Illustrator.

I do not have a major...I do have a degree in History, though.

I hope to figure out if I want to do this as a career.

My favorite artist is Picasso.

My favorite musician is Jimi Hendrix.

I have seen someone get struck by lightning.

This is the first time I have written a blog post. I also have minimal natural artistic ability and have never used a Mac before. Despite what I wrote above, I am fairly confident that I will enjoy this class. I also think I may be good at it. At least that is what I am hoping.