Thursday, April 24, 2014

What convicts can teach us about branding

This article is hysterical, illustrating how package design is often more important that the product itself. It is made even better by the fact that Neil Stansfield was able to trick those at the highest levels into believing his mediocre, store-bought salmon was organic, wild, and worth twice the price. While what he did was immoral and deceitful, he did reveal that packaging is almost as important, if not more, than the product it is selling. Or that people are gullible enough to believe whatever you tell them, in which case, let them eat store-bought fish!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Illustrator Project: Initial Logo

Ilustrator Project: Lego Logo 2

Illustrator Project: Lego Logo 1

Starbucks Article

i think the logo redesign makes sense in regards to Starbucks wanting to define the company as being 'more than just coffee'. I also think it is likely a lot of wishful thinking on the part of the company that a logo change that is symbolic to them will also be read that way to everyone else. I get the point that the newer logo looks a little 'naked', but it is also more streamlined and modern looking. I think it was a good choice.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Logo Redesign

I chose to redesign the Lego logo. Even though it is somewhat iconic and is easily recognizable, it is a fairly nondescript logo that has very little to do with the product. I think it actually makes no sense at all with relation to the product.